50 Best Hinge Prompts Answers to Break The Ice — DatingXP.co (2024)

Table of Contents
50 Best Hinge Prompt Answers 1. I Get Along Best With People Who … 2. Dating Me Will Look Like 3. I Get Along Best With People Who … 4. My Go-to Karaoke Song 5. My most controversial opinion is 6. Don’t Hate Me If … 7. A Life Goal Of Mine 8. My Biggest Date Fail 9. A Social Cause I Care About 10. I’m Overly Competitive About … 11. On My Bucket List 12. I Spend Most Of My Money On 13. My Most Irrational Fear 14. My Happy Place 15. I’ll Know It’s Time To Delete Hinge When … 16. This Year I Really Want To 17. Weirdest Gift I’ve Given Or Received 18. I Geek Out On … 19. I Want Someone Who … 20. A Shower Thought I Had Recently 21. Who are you Weirdly Attracted To … 22. I’ll Know I’ve Found The One When … 23. Let’s Debate This Topic 24. Typical Sunday 25. Change My Mind About … 26. Most Spontaneous Thing I’ve Done 27. Best Travel Story 28. My Simple Pleasures 29. Worst Idea I’ve Ever Had 30. My Ideal Fake Sick Day … 31. I’d Donate a Kidney For … 32. How My Parents Met 33. I’ll Fall For You If … 34. Worst Roommate Story 35. I Did This Before It Was Cool 36. Two Truths and a Lie 37. If I Could Have One Super Power 38. Best Advice I Ever Received 39. You Should *Not* Go Out With Me If … 40. My Dream Job If Money Didn’t Matter 41. I’m Actually Legitimately Bad At … 42. On Saturday At 2 am You Can Find Me … 43. Where To Find Me At The Party 44. I Recently Discovered That … 45. Where To Find Me At The Party 46. Caption This 47. What I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up 48. Worst Fad I Participated In 49. Don’t Hate Me If I … 50. My Mantra Is 51. I’m a Regular At … 52. Together We Could 53. The Dorkiest Thing About Me … Related posts: References

Don't sleep on Hinge Prompts!

They are the best way to start a conversation on Hinge.

What are Hinge Prompts?

Hinge prompts are essentially open questions that each member has to answer. Prompts take the place of a traditional ‘About Me’ section. Because users just need to fill in the blanks, they’re seen as especially useful for anyone who hates writing a bio from scratch.Any hinge answer people use is also displayed on their profile and acts as an insight into who they are and what they’re looking for.

It’s really important that you take the time to answer a few hinge questions because it’s your hinge prompt answers that will largely determine how much your profile stands out to other users. If your answers are unique, witty, flirty, and interesting, you’ll surely receive more matches and messages. If, on the other hand, you can’t come up with anything original, you might struggle to get anywhere on Hinge.

Do’s of Hinge Answers:

  • Keep your answers short but sweet
  • Be original
  • Be funny
  • Be mysterious
  • Be honest

Don’ts of Hinge Answers:

  • Copy and paste your answers
  • Don’t use one-word answers
  • Don’t be offensive
  • Don’t be boring

At the time of writing, there are more than 75 prompts to choose from, although new ones are being added all the time. Moreover, some are harder to find than others.

Answering a prompt is really simple, although you’ll find that some are easier to answer than others. Sometimes you’ll need to be super creative in order to come up with something original, and other times a really interesting and funny hinge answer might come to you straight away.

By adding humor, personality, and things that are unique to you, prompts can add pizzazz to your profile.

But I get it – you want your prompts to stand out from the crowd. You want to showcase your personality and get more matches and dates!

Ready? Let’s make a start.

50 Best Hinge Prompt Answers

1. I Get Along Best With People Who …

This is your chance to filter out the people you don’t want to date. Such as assholes or those who eat thin-crust pizza.

What you can say:

  • …love running for miles.
  • …are early birds.
  • …have knowledge of history.

2. Dating Me Will Look Like

This is one of the most popular hinge questions because it gives people the chance to showcase their personality, their interests – and what dating them will look like.

Since this requires a photo-based answer, make sure to choose a picture that shows you at your happiest and in your element.

For example, if you love going to soccer games, you could display a picture of yourself at a soccer game.

What you can say:

  • …running for a marathon…with no breakfast.
  • …full day of sleep.
  • …walking on eggshells.
  • …Finding an extra chicken nugget in your Maccies.

3. I Get Along Best With People Who …

Basically, you want to let others know your interests and values – and what you want to see in others.

For instance, “I get along best with people who aren’t afraid to take risks.”

At the same time, you could also flip this one and add a line about what you don’t want to see in a person.

For example: “I get along best with people who don’t want to change me.”

What you can say:

  • …accept me for who I am.
  • …wash their own dishes.
  • …like rock music.

4. My Go-to Karaoke Song

This is a very popular hinge question right now. You can either give a simple answer to show-off your musical taste or you can use some wit here. For example: “The Simpsonstheme tune.”

What you can say:

  • “Crazy in Love”
  • “Happy”
  • “Summer Nights”

5. My most controversial opinion is

This is one of my favorite hinge prompts because the number of funny hinge answers I've seen for this one is mind-blowing.

What you can say:

  • “Elon Musk is an alien.”
  • “Students must be paid for attending school.”
  • “Cats are far better than dogs.”
  • “I like pineapple on pizza.”
  • “I like pineapple on pizza.”
  • “Drake's new album is far better than Kanye's.”

6. Don’t Hate Me If …

Another super popular hinge prompt that gives you the chance to make a surprising revelation about yourself.

What you can say:

  • …I reply past 10 AM.
  • …I don’t message you first.
  • …I don’t like your friends.

7. A Life Goal Of Mine

This is one of the best prompts to add to your Hinge profile if you can find it as it’s your chance to write about your biggest hopes and dreams.After all, hopes and dreams are what love is made from, and if you can use this prompt to connect with someone, you should totally go for it.

What you can say:

  • “Completing a full trip around the world.”
  • “Buying a new house for my parents.”
  • “Winning three triathlons.”

8. My Biggest Date Fail

A Hinge profile should never be too serious. Use this prompt to come up with a slightly hilarious answer that shows others that you’re prepared to laugh at yourself. Self-deprecation goes a long way to making a Hinge profile more compelling.

Plus, everyone loves a horror date story. It makes you more real.

What you can say:

  • The place was so noisy I could hear nothing and I just nodded.
  • She didn’t like sushi so I eat it all by myself.
  • I went on my bike and she came in her car.

9. A Social Cause I Care About

Caring about social causes shows others that you’re a kind, caring person who’s switched on to the issues that are blighting our world.If possible, you could add a photo here instead of text.

What you can say:

  • Hate speech in schools.
  • Unemployment.
  • Gender equality.

10. I’m Overly Competitive About …

To be fair, having a highly competitive nature isn’t always that attractive to others. This is why it’s important that you use a creative hinge answer. If you write “everything,” you’ll probably find that more people swipe left on your profile.

What you can say:

  • Maintaining a strict sleep routine.
  • Eating healthy meals every day.
  • Staying in shape.

11. On My Bucket List

If you decide to use this Hinge prompt, you need to have a really interesting item on your bucket list.Also, don’t use a cliche, such as Iceland or New York. Be interesting, be different, and stand out from the crowd.

What you can say:

  • The Great Pyramids of Giza
  • Taj Mahal (the love story behind it is amazing)
  • Kayaking in Manitoba (Gotta see those Beluga Wales)

12. I Spend Most Of My Money On

This is your chance to show what dating you are REALLY going to be like.Don’t forget that most people who use Hinge are looking for a life partner, which is why it’s important that they know where most of your money will be going.

What you can say:

  • …books.
  • …clothes.
  • …investing.

13. My Most Irrational Fear

This hinge prompt isn’t so easy to get right because you don’t want to make yourself too vulnerable on your profile.

As such, it might be best to avoid adding a pathological fear and instead add a fear that you know is a bit silly, such as clowns or spiders.

What you can say:

  • Those damn heights.
  • Dentists (Yes, it exists–and it’s called dentophobia).
  • Horror movies.

14. My Happy Place

The key to this answer is that you ALWAYS add a picture, as opposed to text.

And make sure it’s something that’s a) personal to you and b) something interesting.

What you can say:

  • The attic.
  • The library.
  • A riverside.

15. I’ll Know It’s Time To Delete Hinge When …

I always recommend people answer this prompt on their profile because it signals their intent.

Essentially, you just need to add a line or two here about what you’re looking for. This will help you to attract the right people.

What you can say:

  • …I find someone who doesn’t ask for my favorite show.
  • …We put our phones both in silent mode during our dates.
  • …You suggest cooking together instead of ordering fast food.

16. This Year I Really Want To

There are Hinge prompts that you should take seriously, and Hinge prompts that encourage a bit of silliness on your part.

With this one, you could do either. But since Hinge is a dating site for serious daters, I definitely recommend you tell people your biggest dream for this year.

What you can say:

  • Visit Italy as a couple.
  • Finish writing my first novel.
  • Read 30 books.

17. Weirdest Gift I’ve Given Or Received

This prompt is perfect for a random answer that will encourage replies from others.

For example, if the weirdest gift you’ve ever received was a cheeseboard off a first date, it’s literally begging for someone to come along and ask … “why?!”

What you can say:

  • A cigarette pack.
  • A razor.
  • A bag of chips.

18. I Geek Out On …

This is your chance to showcase your unique personality. What do you really do in your spare time when no one’s around? What makes you different?

What you can say:

  • Harry Potter books and movies.
  • The Simpsons.
  • Wildlife documentaries.

19. I Want Someone Who …

Not everyone knows what they’re looking for, or what they want out of a relationship. But if you do, this is your chance to let people know. Be direct, be honest, and stay true to yourself and your values here.

What you can say:

  • …can prepare delicious breakfasts.
  • …speaks fluent Spanish.
  • …can sing Karaoke with me.

20. A Shower Thought I Had Recently

What do we think of in the shower?

Weird, random stuff!

Like, “do goldfish believe the whole world is their goldfish bowl?”

Make yours as random as possible.

What you can say:

  • We don’t stop speaking. The time between words increases.
  • If religion is true about the first humans on earth then we’ve all committed incest.
  • All the mirrors are sold used.

21. Who are you Weirdly Attracted To …

Everyone has a fantasy that other people think is strange. What’s yours? Are you attracted to goths despite being an office worker? Do you like boys with long hair? Whatever your “niche” is, you can put it here.

What you can say:

  • Funny girls.
  • Girls who put on little to no makeup.
  • Straight teeth.

22. I’ll Know I’ve Found The One When …

The problem with this prompt is that it’s way too easy to say something cheesy and lame.

Instead of saying, “he/she gives me butterflies,” try to think of something quirky and clever.

For example, “my grandma starts talking to me again.”

What you can say:

  • I’m not reprimanded for laughing out loud.
  • We’re having sex without protection.
  • We end up talking until dawn.

23. Let’s Debate This Topic

Ooooh, I love this prompt. However, you must only answer it if you’re a witty person.

See, no one answers this prompt seriously with something like “Donald Trump.” They typically say things like, “pineapple on pizza,” or “keeping ketchup in the fridge.”

Remember, this is a dating site, not an actual debate-off.

What you can say:

  • Three meals per day or more/less?
  • Should men always pay on the first date?
  • Winter is much better than winter.

24. Typical Sunday

You can answer this prompt with either a photo of yourself doing typical “Sunday stuff,” or you can go with a bit of text.

I prefer to mix things up. Adding a funny pic – such as a pic of yourself looking dramatically hungover – can work, but if you add text, make sure to keep things simple. Like this:

Brunch + Gym + Dinner + Pyjamas + Netflix = Sunday vibes.

What you can say:

  • Netflix all day.
  • Planning for Monday.
  • Sleep until midday, eat, journal, and then prepare dinner.

25. Change My Mind About …

Again, you should keep your answer to this one light and humorous. Don’t get all serious by writing something like “protests not working.” You can discuss that later on when you really start getting to know someone.

For now, just write an answer like “Halloween is the best holiday.”

What you can say:

  • …Having kids.
  • …Eating at Mcdonald's every day.
  • …Hating Justin Bieber’s music.

26. Most Spontaneous Thing I’ve Done

Again, you can answer this prompt with a pic, but if you’ve not got a truly amazing picture, it might be best if you answer with some text.

What you can say:

  • …Sat at five different coffee shops until I found a strong WiFi connection.
  • …Asked out the barista about my favorite bar.
  • ….Designed #blacklivesmatter postcards for protesters.

27. Best Travel Story

This is a tough prompt to answer because you might get tempted to tell a loooooong story – and no one wants that on Hinge.

It’s a better idea to pick out something awesome – such as that time you met Leonardo Di Caprio – that’s so awesome it can bowl people over in two lines or less.

What you can say:

  • I missed my return flight from Paris so I stayed in the city, visited its neighborhoods, and slept at a guesthouse that own by a far cousin I had never met or heard of.
  • My best friend and I went to Berlin during Oktoberfest, got drunk, mumbled in German what we thought were compliments (actually were insultings), and ended up at the police station.
  • Visited Rome and joked about having pineapple on top of my pizza. I was charged a double price for the food.

28. My Simple Pleasures

Keep it real with this one and just let people know what matters the most to you when you’re chilling.

What you can say:

  • Doing nothing for several days.
  • Sipping coffee slowly.
  • Going through my archived Instagram Stories.

29. Worst Idea I’ve Ever Had

Your answer to this one MUST be hilarious and you need to prepare to laugh at yourself. Whatever you do, don’t play it safe.

What you can say:

  • Chopping onions while watching Twilights (made me hate multitasking even more).
  • Cleaning a razor with my fingers.
  • Heating my scoop in the microwave so I could scrap ice cream easily.

30. My Ideal Fake Sick Day …

Basically, what would you do if you had a whole day to yourself in which you could be a bit naughty? For some it’s bottomless brunch, for others it’s a theme park.

What you can say:

  • Biking all across the city.
  • Hanging out with the homies.
  • Playing on my guitar/taking a road trip.

31. I’d Donate a Kidney For …

Again, you should try and come up with something witty here, such as “great eyebrows,” but you could also showcase something that would super impress you right now.

What you can say:

  • My relatives.
  • My girlfriend.
  • A stranger who pays good money for it.

32. How My Parents Met

I find this prompt a little strange but you could make yours either romantic or funny.

What you can say:

  • Dad was a cop, and mom worked at the donut shop, and that’s about it.
  • My mom was walking her dog which turned aggressive that afternoon and attacked dad. I guess it was love after the first bite.
  • Dad was an exchange student from Europe for one year. Mom was the daughter of the host.

33. I’ll Fall For You If …

To stand out from the crowd with this one, you need to really think about what you’re looking for in a guy/girl. Is it good manners, a wicked sense of humor, or sparkling blue eyes?

What you can say:

  • …You have short hair.
  • …Know how to prepare delicious burritos.
  • …You don’t get bored from conversations.

34. Worst Roommate Story

The key to answering a prompt like this one is to either pick an epic story that’s so epic it can still be interesting in two lines or less or to make a joke.

What you can say:

  • Once we were playing GTA and he broke the laptop out of anger when he lost against me.
  • I worked two jobs to save my first $1,000. My roommate found my secret spot and took them, promising me he’d return them in a few months. He left without telling me.
  • My roommate’s girlfriend turned up drunk at the door one night, mistaking me for him, and wanted to kiss me. He came a few minutes later…and we almost ended up in the hospital.
  • Once shared a room with a girl who thought she was Britney Spears. She drove me crazyyyyyy.

35. I Did This Before It Was Cool

What did you set the trend for?

What you can say:

  • Used Facebook before it was even switched from TheFacebook.com to Facebook.com.
  • Watched the first episode of The Simpsons as soon as it came out.
  • Regularly ate at the first McDonald’s restaurant since 1940 as it opened.

36. Two Truths and a Lie

The trick with this one is that your truths must be interesting and your lie needs to be wild (and preferably funny).

What you can say:

  • This is my real name. I have two dogs. Britney Spears is my ex.
  • I took my first tattoo when I was 15. My mom is from Brazil. I love eating burritos.
  • I hate chocolate. I don’t have a Facebook account anymore. My dad is a cop.

37. If I Could Have One Super Power

Everyone goes with invisibility, what’re you gonna go with to stand out? Make sure you qualify your answer with a reason Why.

What you can say:

  • …I would like to be invisible and spy on my friends.
  • …I would like to travel to the past and change my name (and buy some Bitcoin).
  • …It would be eating without adding any extra weight.

38. Best Advice I Ever Received

Since this isn’t Bumble, I suggest going with some genuine wisdom here. For example, “never give too much away about yourself too soon.”

What you can say:

  • “Always be grateful no matter how things go. It’ll help you be healthier.”
  • “Forget about the past that’s gone and the future that doesn’t exist. Focus on the present moment. Nothing else matters.”
  • “Your happiness is ONLY your responsibility.”

39. You Should *Not* Go Out With Me If …

What annoying habits do you have that might annoy someone? Or what are you super obsessed with that the love of your life needs to be obsessed with, too?

For example, you could answer this prompt like this: “… you hate soccer.”

What you can say:

  • …You get drunk quickly.
  • …Loud music annoys you.
  • …You can’t resist with 4 hours of sleep.

40. My Dream Job If Money Didn’t Matter

This can be answered in just two or three words. For example, “ski instructor.” There’s no need for an explanation.

What you can say:

  • Feeding and sheltering stray animals.
  • Stone skipping.
  • Train surfing (yes, it exists.)

41. I’m Actually Legitimately Bad At …

Clumsy? Have a tendency to run into things or fall off the bed? Let people know here!

What you can say:

  • …lying.
  • …stealing.
  • …finding good restaurants. Know any?

42. On Saturday At 2 am You Can Find Me …

A picture answer would work really well for this one.

What you can say:

  • …believe it or not: sleeping.
  • …following my dreams.
  • …at the fridge (just getting some water).

43. Where To Find Me At The Party

Again, another picture answer here would be awesome.

What you can say:

  • Sitting around the table full of drinks.
  • Picking songs with the DeJaaY.
  • At the center. Breakdancing.

44. I Recently Discovered That …

Discovered something cool that others would be interested in, such as the fact that falling asleep in your car with the engine still running is illegal? Add it to your answer.

What you can say:

  • …the first slice of bread was sold in 1920.
  • …octopuses have three hearts.
  • …skin is the largest organ in the body. (even though it’s discussable.)

45. Where To Find Me At The Party

Answer this with something short and sweet – such as “by the tacos” – or add a picture.

What you can say:

  • I’d be pulling a prank. Just trace the laughs.
  • At the corner: sketching the prettiest girl.
  • Constantly moving around, telling stories, and making new friends.

46. Caption This

This is a picture answer only. Make sure to add a pic that is super intriguing and which should elicit some creative captions.

What you can say:

  • [insert a picture with your pet]
  • [insert a funny traveling picture]
  • [insert a funny picture of you eating/smiling/laughing, etc.]

47. What I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up

Most people answer this with a job title, but you could be a bit more creative. I’d keep this one as short as you can, though.

What you can say:

  • A dad.
  • Faster.
  • A pianist.

48. Worst Fad I Participated In

Did you use to wear a shell suit? Now’s your chance to name and shame yourself.

What you can say:

  • Lava lamps.
  • Planking.
  • Saggy pants.

49. Don’t Hate Me If I …

You don’t want to go too far with this one (for example, adding an extreme political view here won’t do you any favors). Maybe something like ‘… I hate cats’ that would work well.

What you can say:

  • …wake up in the middle of the night and eat all the leftovers.
  • …send a lot of selfies.
  • …use a lot of emojis.

50. My Mantra Is

Got a cool/funny mantra? Personally, I think the best way to answer this prompt is via a witty quote, such as “when life gives you lemons squirt someone in the eye.”

Whichever quote you choose, it must, of course, match your personality.

What you can say:

  • Discipline wins over inspiration.
  • Hug people and pet dogs.
  • Work smarter not harder. Unless you’re on the bed with her.

51. I’m a Regular At …

Basically, this means “I’m ace at …”

As such, it’s your time to boast about your skills. But because no one likes a boaster, it’s a good idea to play things safe by employing humor.For example: “… Being better than your last girlfriend/boyfriend.”

What you can say:

  • …complimenting those I love.
  • …visiting new places.
  • …discussing new viewpoints.

52. Together We Could

Again, your best bet here is to use humor.

That said, if there’s a cause you’re really passionate about, such as veganism, you could add it here. Just make sure you don’t take yourself too seriously.

What you can say:

  • …become a couple.
  • …steal a bank.
  • …get rid of dating apps.

53. The Dorkiest Thing About Me …

Do you collect stamps, devote your spare time to reading statistics, or wear Harry Potter pajamas? Here’s your chance to tell the world what they’d really get if they dated you.

What you can say:

  • …I keep a journal.
  • …I eat six meals a day.
  • …I read the Terms and Conditions to the end (just sometimes).

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  • Best Hinge Pick-Up Lines
  • Best Hinge Openers

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.